If you’re looking for an affordable Android smartphone with great performance, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro might be your best bet. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G processor and a 108MP camera. The same sensor is in the Galaxy S21 Ultra, which costs five times more. This phone also comes with Android 11 and a stunning design. If you’re in the market for a new phone, make sure you check out the Android One line.
Samsung’s Galaxy Note line is a top Android phone, and the latest model, the Note 9, is a huge improvement over the Note 8. It has thinner bezels and a fingerprint scanner placed in a more convenient location, and it offers a great overall experience. A massive battery and a brand new S-Pen with Bluetooth functionality are just a few of the features that make the Note 9 an excellent option. Samsung is constantly improving its smartphones, and the Note 9 is no exception.
The new OnePlus 6T, which launched at the end of October 2018, is almost identical to the OnePlus 6, but features an in-display fingerprint scanner and a large battery. While it’s not the best Android phone in 2018, it’s still a fantastic choice. It features a 6.41-inch AMOLED screen and thin bezels. The fingerprint scanner is located on the bottom of the display, so you can unlock the phone by holding your finger on the screen.